At first my afternoon was going pretty well. I wrote a simple binary search tree for my Data Structures course and was finished by six. Then I figured I'd get started learning PHP. And now, six hours later, I've only just managed to get Apache and PHP working on my laptop. Most of my time was spent figuring out the default directories for everything, as I found my sense of digital direction goes to hell on a linux system.
Now I understand what my parents felt whenever they were bewildered by Windows computers.
I guess my competence in linux stops short of installing anything.
Oh, and more bad news for college. UT Austin now says my application came after the deadline even though everything arrived beforehand and they even have records saying it did, so I'd be on the list of the very last people considered for admission. I have to call them about that tomorrow.
If I don't get into any colleges I've applied to, I'll have to apply to New Mexico Tech. And that's an option hardly worth considering. Honestly, if I don't get into any of the schools, I'll probably just off myself instead. Things are easier that way.