I figured since my life is spiraling downwards, I should go give myself a false sense of satisfaction by placing first on the Pandemic 2 high score list. And I'm going to teach you too!
First, here's a couple links you need:
Pandemic 2
Cheat Engine
1. Open Cheat Engine and Pandemic 2. Click the little computer-with-magnifying-glass icon in Cheat Engine and search for the program Pandemic 2 is running in - opera.exe for Opera, iexplore.exe for Internet Explorer, or, in my case, plugin-container.exe for Firefox (though I'm not certain if that holds true for everyone).
2. Be a virus. The key to a high score is speed coupled with total deaths; virus is the easiest to score high with. And don't forget to choose a snazzy name; I'm using "Captain Doom".
3. Once you get into the game, pause it and pull up Cheat Engine. On the bottom of the Pandemic window will be your evolution points. Take that number and multiply it by 8. Put it into the Cheat Engine value search box and click "First Scan".
4. By now, a list of lots of numbers has appeared in the left portion of Cheat Engine window. Now go back to Pandemic, unpause, and wait for the evolution points to change. Once they do, pause again and enter the new number (multiplied by eight) into the value search of Cheat Engine and click "Next Scan". Repeat this process until you have only one number in search engine to choose from. It usually takes 2-3 searches.
5. Double click the number (see picture above) and it will appear in the bottom section of Cheat Engine. Now go down to the bottom section, right click the number, go to "Change record" and click "Value". Now enter some multiple of 8. I typically go with 80000, which gives me 10000 evolution points.
6. Now that you have so many points, go to the disease menu in Pandemic 2 and buy all resistances and transmission methods. Also, sell whatever symptoms you have that aren't helpful in infecting people.
7. Now go back to the game and let your disease spread (on high-speed). It will not make it into all countries, but it will infect many. And as it infects more people, increase the symptoms (focus on contagious ones) and when you have many more people infected than not, you can go for all of the symptoms. This part takes some practice, but you do have all the points you want. Just keep in mind you want to be fast. Don't fret about countries you don't have, just kill the ones you do and do it quickly. This entire process should probably take less than ten minutes.
Using Cheat Engine to cheat actually works on a surprising number of games (not just internet-based either). On some games, you don't need to multiply the number you're looking for by 8. It's a trial-and-error thing. This is why I can't play games anymore. Whether it's Pandemic 2 or Fable, I just can't stop cheating. If any of you find an MMO that this technique works with, let me know. That would be the best.
So there's my break from coding for the day. Thanks, that was fun.