I'm currently in the process of transferring schools. Out-of-state tuition is ridiculously high and the comp sci program isn't good enough to warrant the cost. It seems like everyone I know is incompetent, dying in their coursework while I sail through it all. I'd hoped for MIT, but got rejected. And now it seems I'm condemned to walk the Earth as one of the living mediocre.
What frustrates me is that there seems to be no in-between university for people like me to go. What's the use in being valedictorian with a 31 on the ACT if you end up with the same people that surrounded you in high school? I'd just like a school suited to me: someplace that I won't be able to kick the shit out of and won't kick the shit out of me. That definitely isn't here. And maybe it isn't MIT.
I've applied to Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford (oh my god the transfer acceptance rate is so so so laughably low I feel embarrassed to even list it), and University of Texas at Austin. I've been kicking myself for not applying to Cornell and Carnegie Mellon senior year; transfer acceptance rate is only a fraction of what it is for freshman. But even a year ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do or where the hell I wanted to go. If only I'd been a little bit smarter, I could be somewhere worthwhile right now.
But I get the feeling I'll never be satisfied no matter where I go. Even if I ended up at Stanford (ha!), unless I start a successful software company or website within the next two years, the victory would be hollow. I feel like I'm trying to beat the likes of Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates, and do it at the same or younger age. There's no way.